Course curriculum

    1. Welcome and introduction

    2. Who is Pete Moore?

    3. Who is Katie Knapton?

    4. Pain Toolkit Online Course for Healthcare Professionals

    5. Course Objectives:

    6. Course Outline:

    1. Introducing Pain Self-Management

    2. What can make you a better pain self-management coach?

    3. Introducing the five pain self-management skills

    4. End of Module 1 checkpoint Quiz

    1. Let's look at Persistent Pain and why it has become a problem

    2. How do patients and healthcare professionals get stuck and struggle?

    3. How do people learn?

    4. How to get patients to buy-in to self-management

    5. How does pain affect the patient?

    6. End of Module 2 checkpoint Quiz

    1. Introductory Meeting

    2. Self-management Skill 1: Setting Goals and Action Plans

    3. Self-management Skill 2: Pacing daily activities

    4. Self-management Skill 3: Problem Solving

    5. Self-Management Skill 4: Meaningful Movement

    6. Self-management Skill 5: Having a set back plan

    7. Wrapping up the role play

    8. End of Module 3 checkpoint Quiz

    1. Importance of Communication:

    2. Skills for Clinicians

    3. How am I today?

    4. How can I start a conversation?

    5. Examples of potentially different communication challenges:

    6. Managing Patients who may be:

    7. Pain and Sleep

    8. Summing up Module 4:

    9. End of Module 4 checkpoint Quiz

    1. Information and guidance for healthcare professionals about tapering off pain medication

    2. End of Module 5 checkpoint Quiz

About this course

  • £90.00
  • Approximately 6 hours of video content, plus links to other useful videos
  • Ideal for newcomers to pain self management or others who would like to improve their skills
  • I have been privileged to preview this course. It will be a great resource for clinicians to help with supported pain self management. Caroline Hooper (Physiotherapist)

Discover your potential starting today

Pain Toolkit Academy: Elevating Pain Management Skills for Healthcare Professionals